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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New Year, New Me

I know this is being written a little late, but better late than never and I didnt actually start my weightloss adventures with the New Year, but right after I had Ellie mid December.

I'll be tracking my calories on MyFitnessPal again and using my blog for progress pictures..  so if you dont want to see gross fat girl pics, dont look.   ;)

I still need to do my measurments but I'll add those soon..  as soon as I find my tape measure that went MIA. 

On to the pics..

Obviously weight fluctuates, but this is basically my starting point,,   261.   The lowest I've weighed in a LONG time.

Showing my gross stomach sag 3 weeks after having my 10lb Princess.   I hope to shrink this and hopefully it'll disappear all together..  and It's been a week since I've taken these pics and my stomach has already shrunk a bit.  yay!

From the front..

the back..  I've got a ton of backfat to lose and my permanant muffin top needs to go too...

And a clothed side view.     Which doesnt look as awful as me showing my bare skin, but still gross in my opinion.

I know this is a lot to ask and want..   but i'd like to drop 100lbs in the next year.

My plans are just to keep BFing, cutting out junk food and soda and tracking my calories along with some mild cardio like walking with the kids, light jogs and some light horsebackriding.

After my incision is fully healed if Im not seeing any difference, then I'll pick up on the heavier exercises but we'll see how that goes.

I've got some very BIG life changes coming up so what better time to get in shape and feel better about myself than now?

Monday, January 9, 2012


Yes, crunchy..   as in "Crunchy Mom"

As defined by Urban Dictionary; Mother who supports homebirth, breastfeeding, baby wearing, cloth diapering, co-sleeping, gentle discipline, etc. One who questions established medical authority; tends to be vegetarian and/or prepare all-organic foods.

Every woman before even having kids or getting pregnant has an idea of what kind of parent she will be... but usually those ideas change soon after the birth of her first child...    I know it did for me.

I never would have thought I would have been a baby-wearing, co-sleeping, breastfeeding, non-vaccinating, attached-parenting, baby food making, extended rear-facing kind of Mother.    I have my reasons for being the type of parent I am and thankfully I have a partner who agrees with my parenting style and goes along with my ideals.  

I do what I do... because I love my girls and want the best for them <3

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Christmas Past..

Well, Christmas has passed..  lol

I feel like I've been neglecting my blog lately considering I haven't posted for about two weeks again but boy, having three kids in insane and I never seem to have freetime anymore.   If i do, I'm running full speed to the shower!
Those don't seem to happen often enough with three small kids around.   Maybe I should re-name my blog to "Smelly Mother's Blog"   ha!

The girls are great.   They still love their new little sister, thankfully.      Mallory wants to hold her 24/7, Maleah gives her big sloppy kisses on the head, trys to poke her in the eyes and constantly pulls wipes out of the box and 'wipes' her for me..   which just means she's rubbing the back and booty of her sleepers with wipes.  lol   She's such a good help.  ;)

Maleah has regressed with he sleep schedule..  sadly.   She has been waking up every night and causing havoc for us, refusing to go back to sleep.    Eleanor on the other hand is an awesome sleeper and only wakes up for maybe two feedings during the night.

AND I'm proud to announce at 3 1/2 weeks old, she's gotten nothing but breastmilk.   Either straight from the tap or what I've pumped.   Maleah also loves the boob juice.  :)     I feel great that I'm giving both my littlest girls the nutrition they need and deserve to have.

Well, here's some pictures of the kids from Christmas.

This is Maleah, a few days before Christmas from when we were out running errands as a family.. she was exausted.

Eleanor helping me wrap gifts. I mean..  heping Santa wrap gifts.

 Maleah after opening all her presents.  <3

Two of my girls posing <3
I swear it's impossible to get a picture of this kid!
She's definantly my mini-me though!

My beautiful little Eleanor.

Mallory showing off her jammies.

My Maleah being a little weirdo.  :)
LMAO I tried sooo hard to get a picture of all 3 of my girls together.  I failed, terribly.
Mallory and Maleah were so excited to have matching jammies.. it was adorable.   Of course, Ellie could care less but Mallory was excited that her little sisters had zebra jammies too. 

Our Christmas wasn't huge..  But it was a great Christmas and it was OUR Christmas.  :)