Sometimes it just takes a good heart-to-heart with someone who cares about you to change your view on things.
I have to admit, I have the best father a girl could ask for. I am a grown woman with three kids of my own and my dad is still here for me.. always has been. Not only was he great to me as a kid, but he's supporting MY family when I should be doing this on my own. He was supporting us when Jeremy should have stepped up as a man and did it.
I'm so thankful for him. After writing my blog post lastnight and a flood of tears, I had a talk with my dad. He told me that I was an amazing mother and I dont need some excuse of a man holding me and my kids back. He said "Get a job, i'll make sure you get there" "Get a job, i'll help you get childcare"
I stayed up until 3am lastnight doing applications online only to get up at 7am with the kids this morning. I'm exhausted.
Things I need to get done:
-sign up for WIC. They supply a FREE very high grade double electric breast pump for woring or school-going mothers. I have EVERY intention of keeping Ellie on the boob juice for as long as possible. It's been a hard journey but I LOVE breastfeeding and knowing I'm giving her the best she could ever have straight from my body like a Mommy is supposed to.
-Get a job and apply for daycare assistance. Obvious reasons.. lol
-Save for the VERY important things.. like Gas to drive someone else's vehicle back and forth to work each day until i can save for my very own car again and pay insurance and all the other super important things.
-MOVE OUT! Yes, I need to move out. I'll be terrified to live on my own again, but obviously it needs to be done when I have 3 kids and a family of my own.. Hopefully I can find a CLEAN, SAFE 3bd home that I can afford utilities on.
All the while, I still want to be selling Scentsy and Velata. It's so much fun and it's easy to be passionate about something you love and enjoy.
I have so much more to do on my laundry list of items but I can do this. I will do this. I HAVE to do this, for myself, my kids and my dad.
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