Well, we moved July 2nd into our new apartment. It's a 3bd 2ba 960sq ft place.. two balconies and its pretty nice. :)
ive promised pics for-ever. But i havent even gotten pics of the whole place since lighting sucks.. so heres a few Cell pics for any noseyasses ;)
one side of the living room.. lunch time for the girls
view 2 of the living room, from the other side.. our front patio too
the one and only pic i have of the play room.. this is actually the 3rd bedroom thats right off the living room in the front of the house.. this room is a disaster in seriously 3.2 seconds 20x a day.. this is also going to be converted into the new baby's room.. yeah.. we'll get to that too.
view 1 of the kitchen.. yeah, its nothing special..
view 2.. still nothing special. but its OURS.
Now I do fail to post pics of the bedrooms and our bathrooms.. because well.. the lighting sucks and our bedrooms are always in shambles. lol I swear the girls' room gets torn apart daily and I never feel like making mine and Jeremy's bed.. maybe one day i'll get to posting perty pics of them. maybe..
We've added two new members to our family.. this is one..
Her name is Clementine. We adopted her from the county pound when they were on emergency status and needed adopters. Shes maybe 4 yrs old.. great with kids, other dogs and was already potty trained. SCORE. She actually developed kennel cough the day after we brought her home and after two weeks on meds (we've had her for a month now) she's a whole different dog.. and looks completley different.. what do I mean you ask?
BAM!! our naked dog.
She would seriously roll on the floor to be silly and scratch her back and leave a pool of hair on our dark brown carpet that looked like a backwards snow angel..
and here's our naked dog again..
what? How did you know I shaved her? lmao it was our first time.. she did pretty good, but my shave job was AWFUL. thankfull it's finally growing out a little more evenly. whooo.
And no, we dont know what breed she is.. but we're gonna go with jack russell/schnauzer/corgi something or other.
it's Monsoon season here in AZ.. well actually it's getting over but this is an awesome storm I took a Pic of from our park next door to our apartments.. I snapped this and literally 3 seconds later it was time to GTFO.. crazy dust storm and it started pouring as soon as we got inside our door.
And some new photos of the kiddos from just a few days ago
hmmm.. let's see what else is new..
Oh yeah, the new family addition #2.. Im PREGNANT.. yes.. again. lol
Maleah is just 9 months old but she's going to have a sibling thats 15mths younger than she is.
Im due December 18th.. give or take a few days and we couldnt be more excited.. and scared shitless. lmao and thats where the baby's room comes in. We figure by the time this new baby will be moved out of our room from their bassinet, Maleah will be around 18 months and be old enough to sleep on the bottom bunch with bed rails just like we intended from the begining.. and then the toys from the 'toy room' can be moved into the empty space that the crib took up originally. and then we'll actually be able to have a 'real' nursery for this baby...
I'm actually going to our first ultrasound Wednesday afternoon for our anatomy scan, and we'll be able to find out if this is our 3rd girl or our first boy, BUT we're not finding out. LMAO. I'll be posting a guessing pool for anyone who does want to make a guess on the gender and when they'll come and their size etc.
Jeremy is feeling better fro the most part becides getting injured at work a week and a half ago and having to take some time off per dr's orders, but we're doing good.
The girls are also doing great and Mallory is super excited about having another baby around the house.. Maleah is just a little monster and has starting standing on her own and is up to 6 teeth... she's growing up so fast.
Also, the girls *coughmallorycough* decided to change their joint Birthday party from Kai-Lan to Hello Kitty.. which is AWESOME. anyone who knows me knows I'm a huge HK lover. <3
ugh.. yeah, well my fingers hurt from typing but im sure i'll have something else to update soon after they get a break. xoxox
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