First of all.. Im really wanting to re-vamp my page.. Think its a bit early to start working on a Halloween layout? Or maybe I should just do something super girly like Hello Kitty? Ha, it'll be a surprise. :D
Second... We finally went in for my anatomy scan. I was right at 22w 2d and baby is healthy and well. I do have to go back on the 31st to have a followup scan since baby was passed out and wouldnt turn for anything and the tech needed another picture of their spine and heart. <3
And no, we didnt find out the sex. Yes, we're serious about not knowing and even if we wanted to, baby had their legs closes with the cord stuffed in between anyways. :) bwahaha
Here's our little butterball..
Yeah, i know baby is upside down lol My phone self rotates even when i dont want it to and havent quite figured it out yet.. Baby weighed in at 1.1lbs, right on track.
and another sideways picture of baby feet <3
So also, three days ago i woke up with some awful awful pain my right wrist and forearm that just kept getting worse. At first I thought i sprained it, but had no idea how and after some thinking, I realized maybe it's Carpal Tunnel. Well after doing some research I didnt know what to think because the pain isnt in the right place to be carpal tunnel.. :/ So after 2 days of extreme pain, yesterday evening I finally sucked it up and went to Urgent Care. Turns out is like Carpel Tunner, but because it's a differnt nerve it's called Ulnar Tunnel..
this one ^^^ is showing where Ulnar tunnel effects. Pretty much the Ulnar nerve runs from the inside of the elbow, under the forearm between muscles and down tot eh last two digits on the hand.. It's alse the same nerve that is effected if someone has Tennis Elbow only the pain doesnt extend from the elbow down just stays centralized for that.
Anytype of nerve problems are extremely common in pregnancy especially the last half because of your body retaining water and putting pressure on nerves, i guess the Ulnar nerve is effected mostly in people with diabetes also. So lucky me gets to wear a brace when the pain comes and goes until delivery.. woohoo. lol I didnt even get a good brace, its just one of those molded white pad things and ace wrap. :(
and... finally for my last topic of the night... Here are a few pics of my beautiful little girls. :) Theyre getting so big, I cant believe it. Maleah isnt my wee wittle baby anymore, all she wants to do is follow Mallory around an play with her and Mallory is such a turd but is a really great big sister.. although she DOES have her moments. <3
My little Maleah, 9 1/2 months old <3
Princess Mallory, 3 1/2 years old <3
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