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Friday, August 12, 2011

Busy Mom

I feel like I have been SOOO busy in the last few days.. 

I was supposed to go to my anatomy scan scan for the baby on Wednesday but Jeremy locked the keys in the trunk of the car lol so we missed that appointment and had to reschedule for this coming Monday.    We had a regular check-up on Thursday and the Dr said the baby was sounding great from the heartbeat..  it was rigth at 140 and put me on medication to control my blood sugars.  BOO.  :/    Annndddd she asked if we found out what we were having yet and Mallory blurted out "A LIZARD!" before we could say anything.   It was freaking hilarious..   she's really such a riot.

Lastnight I seriously felt like I was nesting..  I spent an hr and a half going crazy cleaning my house from 1am-2:30am.    I washed a sinkful of dishes, scrubbed my counters, dusted EVERYTHING i could get to, scrubbed the leather on the couch, scrubbed the walls and my kitchen cabinets, cleaned out the pantry and cleaned up the toy room and re organized it.   WHOO!   bwahaha i really cant wait to be really nesting again so I have that unlimited energy to really clean until I collapse. 

My sister's baby shower is in a month and I asked her yesterday if she had worked on her registry yet and of course she didnt..  So we're going tomorrow to Target and BabiesRUs to put the things she NEEDS on there since of course people are going to buy adorable clothes.    I also spent the morning going through her FB looking through her friends' profiles like a creeper messaging them info on her shower and got quite a few replies already. 

Today's exciting events include Clementine bolting out the door and running around a few bulidings in the complex..  running into a woman's apartment to visit her and talking off again and coming home only to be cought by my upstairs neighbor's son.   She is such a turd, but I'm so happy shes home safe and sound.

Jeremy hasnt come home from after work yet but omg I am soooo hungry...  he promised me WHataBurger biscuits and gravy tonight but they only serve from 11pm-11am so he's going to run out late and buy me yum yums to stuff my tummy with.  :D

and last but not least..  my little bratty girls are being quite defiant today.   They were both VERY ready fro a nap today after waking up early and a visit with grandma and Maleah woke up as soon as i got back in from looking for Clementine and refused..  flat out REFUSED to go back to sleep..   until I plopped her booty into her stroller in the living room and rocked her to sleep.    Mommy:1 Maleah:0   

alrighty, i need to go find food in the house before I die of starvation before I get my biscuits and gravy.

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