The Girls' had awesome B-days and I HAVE to share some pics from those...
Mallory Turned 4!
October 12th 2011..
lol she LOVE cheesin it up some days ;)
We made cupcakes for her actual birthday and was so excited about coloring them..
We even put sprinkles IN the batter!
Grandma and Grandpa Williams got her Hungry Hungry Hippos which she had been dying for.. and Daddy brought her home Rock Elmo.. lemme tell you, that little bugger may be cute but he doesnt have ANY volume control. lol
This is what she got on Maleah's Birthday..
A cuddley La La Loopsey Doll.. "Mittens" since she loves her other one, but "Coraline" is too hard to sleep with. lol
Maleah turned 1!
October 28th 2011...
This picture is ultra dark.. but it was 1am and i had just finished decorating so the kids would be surprised when they got up in the morning..
yes, i am crazy enough to blow up 60+ balloons by mouth, by myself in the middle of the night. :)
Maleah opening her present and Mallory waiting to steal it from her.. lol
She got.. a Counting Cookies Cookie Monster.. she LOVES Cookie Monster for some reason...
A big girl sippy cup, snacks and some footie jammies that she needed. :)
On Mallory's actual birthday my parents bought Maleah one of those little push button toys where you figure out if you need to push, pull or twist the button and a cute goofy bug pops up outta it's hole. :) She loves that thing too.
She's waiting so patiently while Daddy opens him up and check him out. :)
And the cake Mallory picked out for Maleah's birthday. lol Nothing like a Dora cake to top off an all HK party. :)
They also had another Bday party at a local park.. had a ton of people RSVP and of course, no one shows.. guess you really find out who your friends are.. too bad it was a KIDS party everyone flaked on.. not something like my 6th briday shower. *eyeroll*
But here's some pics from that day...
Maleah looking ABSOLUTLEY adorable in her Birthday outfit <3
She is so stinkin cute! This is definantly one that will be blown up and printed for my walls. :)
My mom and Mallory waiting around.. her tutu and leggings didn't last long.. she stripped them off and changed into shorts as soon as she spotted the playground. lol
Another shot of the Littlest Birthday Monkey...
Being a ham at home after the 'party'..
Jessi and Mallory in the car on the way to the party lol weirdos.
and last but not least...
My girls and myself at home. :)
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