Talk about a LONG day! whew..
Not only was my Dr's office running late.. like usual... but they scheduled me three appointments back to back to back actually thinking I would get in and out of each one on time. HA. lol
Stats from yesterday:
I am 3cm dilated and 50% effaced. Having some contractions still, but nothing consistent or too awful.
My fluid levels are great and I'm measuring big because baby is measuring big.. coulda called that one! :)
I gained 3 lbs in a week.. yikes. My BP is awesome for once and my sugars are pretty good too.
I had more blood work to check me for Toxemia since I had it with my other two. Umm let's see.. what else.. Baby is weighing in at 7.2lbs already which is huge for 35 weeks and body measurments are coming in at 38.4 weeks in gestation.
I'm seriously preparing myself to have another HUGE baby... hopefully this one is a healthy big baby.
I have so many fears about delivering this baby.. if i had any chance of having a normal birth weight baby, I would want to try for a vaginal even against my Dr's wishes. Silly, I know but I am just that terrified fo having another C-section. But there is no way a 9lb baby is going to be coming out of my vagina anytime soon.. maybe in 5-6 years once I'm well healed from all these surgeries and in a healthier state, I can try but not now.. hell no. lol
Next Tuesday, the 22nd I've got another NST scheduled and another AFI to check baby's fluid levels again. I'll be having NST's twice weekly, once weekly ultrasounds and once weekly ultrasounds. So.. I've got 12 appointments til the 12th when I have my C-section.
Here's a belly pic from a few days ago.. I feel like I'm huge already but not nearly as big as I was at 39 weeks with Maleah.. yet my stretchmarks are growing. >:[ Oh well, the price you pay as a mother, huh?
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