I wish I could just put everything out there... but somethings are better left secrets.
All I can say is there is going to be a pretty big change happening soon to my family.. One that'll take place around the 1st of the year and will last a few years at the least. An opportunity for all of us to start over-together. To be a REAL family.... One that doesnt have to live with our parents to survive.
So.. I wish I could say more.. but until I can, please just wish us luck.
Anddd... other things changing, like the holidays and seasons.
I'm going to have to create a new layout and header etc for my blog.. I'm thinking something along the lines of wintery.. Christmasey. <3 I love this time of year and can not wait to put our tree up! :)
Sunday, November 20, 2011
36 Weeks
Yup, 36 weeks today.
Depending on the source, Baby should be 5.25-6.5 lbs and about 18 3/4inches long.
Well, as I stated a few days ago.. Butterball is already heavier than that!
I can't believe in 3 weeks, I'm going to have THREE kids to take care of. Life is psychotic with the two I already have, I can't even imagine adding another to the mix.. but it's a little late for that. ;)
I'm excited.. I really am. Scared shitless too actually.
I have so much stuff I need to get within the next week or so... I feel so far behind on preparing for baby.
What I need:
Some type of drawer units for baby's items
Pre-Folds for my incision
Electric pump.. although I could make-do with the hand pump I have.. :/
More Diaper Genie refills
Diaper Bag
Stock up on diapers and wipes
Toiletrie items such as baby wash, A&D, powder, gas drops, infant meds
I'm sure theres a ton more along with things like.. figuring out how to put three carseats in my Malibu. YIKES
and Buying some other items I need to finish my nesting process..
Like.... a Food Saver to make a ton of meals ahead of time so I just have to thaw, heat and eat them.
I need to buy a hamper for the girls' room so mine doesnt fill up and over flow so fast.. stock up on detergent to wash a mountain of clothing everyday..
gahhh I'm sure there is so much more. There IS a ton more I need and want but it'll have to wait until tax time. (Like a dresser for myself that matches my bedroom furniture)
We've got so many appointments coming up too.. Tuesday I have another AFI and a NST then Wednesday is my prep day for our Thanksgiving feast.. Thursday is obviously Thanksgiving and I plan on being in a painful over stuffed food coma by 5pm. Then either Thursday or Friday of this week I need to go to the hospital that I'm delivering at to have another NST since the Dr's office will be closed.
Then over the weekend, I think my Uncle and his wife are coming to stay for a day or two from California.
WHEWWWW extra busy with an extra full house. Plus I have to keep up on my regular mommy/household duties.
Sooo... When do I get to nap? ;)
Depending on the source, Baby should be 5.25-6.5 lbs and about 18 3/4inches long.
Well, as I stated a few days ago.. Butterball is already heavier than that!
I can't believe in 3 weeks, I'm going to have THREE kids to take care of. Life is psychotic with the two I already have, I can't even imagine adding another to the mix.. but it's a little late for that. ;)
I'm excited.. I really am. Scared shitless too actually.
I have so much stuff I need to get within the next week or so... I feel so far behind on preparing for baby.
What I need:
Some type of drawer units for baby's items
Pre-Folds for my incision
Electric pump.. although I could make-do with the hand pump I have.. :/
More Diaper Genie refills
Diaper Bag
Stock up on diapers and wipes
Toiletrie items such as baby wash, A&D, powder, gas drops, infant meds
I'm sure theres a ton more along with things like.. figuring out how to put three carseats in my Malibu. YIKES
and Buying some other items I need to finish my nesting process..
Like.... a Food Saver to make a ton of meals ahead of time so I just have to thaw, heat and eat them.
I need to buy a hamper for the girls' room so mine doesnt fill up and over flow so fast.. stock up on detergent to wash a mountain of clothing everyday..
gahhh I'm sure there is so much more. There IS a ton more I need and want but it'll have to wait until tax time. (Like a dresser for myself that matches my bedroom furniture)
We've got so many appointments coming up too.. Tuesday I have another AFI and a NST then Wednesday is my prep day for our Thanksgiving feast.. Thursday is obviously Thanksgiving and I plan on being in a painful over stuffed food coma by 5pm. Then either Thursday or Friday of this week I need to go to the hospital that I'm delivering at to have another NST since the Dr's office will be closed.
Then over the weekend, I think my Uncle and his wife are coming to stay for a day or two from California.
WHEWWWW extra busy with an extra full house. Plus I have to keep up on my regular mommy/household duties.
Sooo... When do I get to nap? ;)
Friday, November 18, 2011
35.4 Weeks
Yesterday was my OB checkup for the week but I also had a AFI and growth scan and a NST.
Talk about a LONG day! whew..
Not only was my Dr's office running late.. like usual... but they scheduled me three appointments back to back to back actually thinking I would get in and out of each one on time. HA. lol
Stats from yesterday:
I am 3cm dilated and 50% effaced. Having some contractions still, but nothing consistent or too awful.
My fluid levels are great and I'm measuring big because baby is measuring big.. coulda called that one! :)
I gained 3 lbs in a week.. yikes. My BP is awesome for once and my sugars are pretty good too.
I had more blood work to check me for Toxemia since I had it with my other two. Umm let's see.. what else.. Baby is weighing in at 7.2lbs already which is huge for 35 weeks and body measurments are coming in at 38.4 weeks in gestation.
I'm seriously preparing myself to have another HUGE baby... hopefully this one is a healthy big baby.
I have so many fears about delivering this baby.. if i had any chance of having a normal birth weight baby, I would want to try for a vaginal even against my Dr's wishes. Silly, I know but I am just that terrified fo having another C-section. But there is no way a 9lb baby is going to be coming out of my vagina anytime soon.. maybe in 5-6 years once I'm well healed from all these surgeries and in a healthier state, I can try but not now.. hell no. lol
Next Tuesday, the 22nd I've got another NST scheduled and another AFI to check baby's fluid levels again. I'll be having NST's twice weekly, once weekly ultrasounds and once weekly ultrasounds. So.. I've got 12 appointments til the 12th when I have my C-section.
Here's a belly pic from a few days ago.. I feel like I'm huge already but not nearly as big as I was at 39 weeks with Maleah.. yet my stretchmarks are growing. >:[ Oh well, the price you pay as a mother, huh?
Talk about a LONG day! whew..
Not only was my Dr's office running late.. like usual... but they scheduled me three appointments back to back to back actually thinking I would get in and out of each one on time. HA. lol
Stats from yesterday:
I am 3cm dilated and 50% effaced. Having some contractions still, but nothing consistent or too awful.
My fluid levels are great and I'm measuring big because baby is measuring big.. coulda called that one! :)
I gained 3 lbs in a week.. yikes. My BP is awesome for once and my sugars are pretty good too.
I had more blood work to check me for Toxemia since I had it with my other two. Umm let's see.. what else.. Baby is weighing in at 7.2lbs already which is huge for 35 weeks and body measurments are coming in at 38.4 weeks in gestation.
I'm seriously preparing myself to have another HUGE baby... hopefully this one is a healthy big baby.
I have so many fears about delivering this baby.. if i had any chance of having a normal birth weight baby, I would want to try for a vaginal even against my Dr's wishes. Silly, I know but I am just that terrified fo having another C-section. But there is no way a 9lb baby is going to be coming out of my vagina anytime soon.. maybe in 5-6 years once I'm well healed from all these surgeries and in a healthier state, I can try but not now.. hell no. lol
Next Tuesday, the 22nd I've got another NST scheduled and another AFI to check baby's fluid levels again. I'll be having NST's twice weekly, once weekly ultrasounds and once weekly ultrasounds. So.. I've got 12 appointments til the 12th when I have my C-section.
Here's a belly pic from a few days ago.. I feel like I'm huge already but not nearly as big as I was at 39 weeks with Maleah.. yet my stretchmarks are growing. >:[ Oh well, the price you pay as a mother, huh?
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
November Showers Bring..

Mallory LOVES the mud and spent the day out with Grandma this day, only to return with a pair of SpongeBob rain boots and a pair fo adorable black rainboots for Maleah.. this of course was her very first time getting to play in the mud.
And a few more pics from the first few days of November...

This will probably be the last pic of Jeremy and I together...
Mallory LOVES the mud and spent the day out with Grandma this day, only to return with a pair of SpongeBob rain boots and a pair fo adorable black rainboots for Maleah.. this of course was her very first time getting to play in the mud.
And a few more pics from the first few days of November...
This will probably be the last pic of Jeremy and I together...
and these stinkin bees... lol

31 Days Til D-Day..
'D-Day' of course being Delivery Day. :)
My scheduled C-section is December 12th, 7:30am assuming Butterball doesn't decide to come earlier on his/her own.. which is totally a possibility but not likely.
I've been psychotically nesting like crazy but it just doesn't seam real yet. I don't know if thats because I haven't had baby stuff to go through and wash or if it's just because I haven't come to terms yet with the idea and fact that i'll have THREE kids soon. Yeah, I'm still in total shock myself.
I've been scrubbing doors.. yes, doors. Shampooing carpet and furniture like crazy.. doing my laundry and the kids.. and not a whole lot of much else. I'd love to be decorating a nursery right now or buying Butterball clothes like my life depended on it. But that isn't happening.
Although i DID bust out some of my baby items from my storage unit today. :) Today I got my swing, bouncer, bassinet and carseat out.. Not everything i wanted to today, but a good start. Turns out the huge boxes full of baby items I need are of course in the very back corner of the unit, on the bottom.. covered with totes of holiday items and random goodies. Figures, right? So now not only do I have to take pretty much everything out of the storage unit to get what I need (because i cant lift the huge boxes once i finally get to them and i'll have to slide them out the door and somehow hoist them into my car) but the freaking storage unit looks like it exploded from Jeremy frantically looking for a box with diapers in it.. which wasnt even in the storage unit. lol I'm wanting to nest to badly that I want to remove everything, re-pack it and re-stack it.. Lord, help me!
Anyways... tomorrow howpefully I'll be able to wash the covers to the items I got today and put them all back together.. and maybe after my Dr's appointment I'll stop by my unit since theyre pretty close together and work on getting those boxes out I want so badly. These boxes literally have EVERYTHING in them..
Packs of Diapers..
Breast Pump & Storage Supplies
Play Mats.. Bumbo.. etc.
Seriously SO MUCH stuff I need is in these stinkin boxes. :[
But anywhoo..... Today I believe I am... 34 weeks, 4 days? So, 1 1/2 more weeks until I'm 9months pregnant. I really cant believe how quickly this pregnancy has flown by.. I can't wait for it to be over and to have my body back to myself again, but at the same time.. I'm terrified of having two kids 14 months apart in age. I keep getting comments like "having three kids isnt bad, its fun!" Thanks for the reassurance but your kids arent this close in age so dont even try to compare it or pretend like you know how it'll be for my family and myself.
I've got a checkup with my Dr tomorrow and cant wait to hear Butterball's hearbeat again. Its sure been a while and seems like something always comes up when I am supposed to go to an appointment.. although we FINALLY got the pics we needed of baby's face, heart and spine.. 3rd times a charm! Thankfully everything looked great. We may get one more chance to view baby before I deliver to check growth and size to make sure I wont be having an overly huge baby with our fears of having a huge and unhealthy baby again.. like poor Maleah was when she was first born. :(
I really wish i could be trying for a VB2C, but that seems like an impossible idea. I had every OB, Midwife and Doula turn me down and the only way I could get what I want, is if I were crazy enough to attempt a home birth. Being only 14mo PP and having awful scar tissue, there is no way i would be willing to try it.. nevermind the fact that I live almost an HOUR away from the hospital should something go wrong and I need to be rushed in.
Maybe if I dont get my tubes ties this time, maybe if i decide to have another... 5 years or so from now, I can attempt a VBMC.. even if I have to drive miles and miles away to get what I want. <3 All i ever wanted was the chance to TRY.
Well heres my favorite belly pic so far.. this is from the 23rd of October, the day we did the Girls' joint birthday party. I've only really taken 3 this pregnancy and i look like a freaking heiffer in the others so those wont be shared on here. ;)

This pic was exactly 32 weeks. My belly looks adorable and round and I look.. healthy and not miserable for once. lol And crazy Mallory is in the background and my little leach Maleah insisted on sitting ON my feet for this picture. weird kids.. but I sure love them :)
My scheduled C-section is December 12th, 7:30am assuming Butterball doesn't decide to come earlier on his/her own.. which is totally a possibility but not likely.
I've been psychotically nesting like crazy but it just doesn't seam real yet. I don't know if thats because I haven't had baby stuff to go through and wash or if it's just because I haven't come to terms yet with the idea and fact that i'll have THREE kids soon. Yeah, I'm still in total shock myself.
I've been scrubbing doors.. yes, doors. Shampooing carpet and furniture like crazy.. doing my laundry and the kids.. and not a whole lot of much else. I'd love to be decorating a nursery right now or buying Butterball clothes like my life depended on it. But that isn't happening.
Although i DID bust out some of my baby items from my storage unit today. :) Today I got my swing, bouncer, bassinet and carseat out.. Not everything i wanted to today, but a good start. Turns out the huge boxes full of baby items I need are of course in the very back corner of the unit, on the bottom.. covered with totes of holiday items and random goodies. Figures, right? So now not only do I have to take pretty much everything out of the storage unit to get what I need (because i cant lift the huge boxes once i finally get to them and i'll have to slide them out the door and somehow hoist them into my car) but the freaking storage unit looks like it exploded from Jeremy frantically looking for a box with diapers in it.. which wasnt even in the storage unit. lol I'm wanting to nest to badly that I want to remove everything, re-pack it and re-stack it.. Lord, help me!
Anyways... tomorrow howpefully I'll be able to wash the covers to the items I got today and put them all back together.. and maybe after my Dr's appointment I'll stop by my unit since theyre pretty close together and work on getting those boxes out I want so badly. These boxes literally have EVERYTHING in them..
Packs of Diapers..
Breast Pump & Storage Supplies
Play Mats.. Bumbo.. etc.
Seriously SO MUCH stuff I need is in these stinkin boxes. :[
But anywhoo..... Today I believe I am... 34 weeks, 4 days? So, 1 1/2 more weeks until I'm 9months pregnant. I really cant believe how quickly this pregnancy has flown by.. I can't wait for it to be over and to have my body back to myself again, but at the same time.. I'm terrified of having two kids 14 months apart in age. I keep getting comments like "having three kids isnt bad, its fun!" Thanks for the reassurance but your kids arent this close in age so dont even try to compare it or pretend like you know how it'll be for my family and myself.
I've got a checkup with my Dr tomorrow and cant wait to hear Butterball's hearbeat again. Its sure been a while and seems like something always comes up when I am supposed to go to an appointment.. although we FINALLY got the pics we needed of baby's face, heart and spine.. 3rd times a charm! Thankfully everything looked great. We may get one more chance to view baby before I deliver to check growth and size to make sure I wont be having an overly huge baby with our fears of having a huge and unhealthy baby again.. like poor Maleah was when she was first born. :(
I really wish i could be trying for a VB2C, but that seems like an impossible idea. I had every OB, Midwife and Doula turn me down and the only way I could get what I want, is if I were crazy enough to attempt a home birth. Being only 14mo PP and having awful scar tissue, there is no way i would be willing to try it.. nevermind the fact that I live almost an HOUR away from the hospital should something go wrong and I need to be rushed in.
Maybe if I dont get my tubes ties this time, maybe if i decide to have another... 5 years or so from now, I can attempt a VBMC.. even if I have to drive miles and miles away to get what I want. <3 All i ever wanted was the chance to TRY.
Well heres my favorite belly pic so far.. this is from the 23rd of October, the day we did the Girls' joint birthday party. I've only really taken 3 this pregnancy and i look like a freaking heiffer in the others so those wont be shared on here. ;)
This pic was exactly 32 weeks. My belly looks adorable and round and I look.. healthy and not miserable for once. lol And crazy Mallory is in the background and my little leach Maleah insisted on sitting ON my feet for this picture. weird kids.. but I sure love them :)
Halloween 2011
is also....

I am officially 25! And i felt pretty enough to take a picture of myself with no make-up and after walking what seemed like a bazillion miles with the girls Trick or Treating.. :)
We carved Pumpkins...

Well.. I did and Maleah played in the guts..

and got a well deserved bath afterwards..

Mallory was being a little stinker and wanted absolutley nothing to do with Pics or carving pumpkins. :/
The finished products..

and what my girls did earlier in the day before pumpkins.. <3

those kids sure do love them some popsicles!
I was a bad mommy and didn't get many pics of them for Halloween and none of Trick Or Treating.. Mallory was Rupenzel.. she got a 'Tangled' costume and everything and Maleah was.. herself. lol
They spent about 2 hrs Trick or Treating and we practically had to pull them away because time was up but they were having way too much fun to leave. lol <3
I am officially 25! And i felt pretty enough to take a picture of myself with no make-up and after walking what seemed like a bazillion miles with the girls Trick or Treating.. :)
We carved Pumpkins...
Well.. I did and Maleah played in the guts..
and got a well deserved bath afterwards..
Mallory was being a little stinker and wanted absolutley nothing to do with Pics or carving pumpkins. :/
The finished products..
and what my girls did earlier in the day before pumpkins.. <3
those kids sure do love them some popsicles!
I was a bad mommy and didn't get many pics of them for Halloween and none of Trick Or Treating.. Mallory was Rupenzel.. she got a 'Tangled' costume and everything and Maleah was.. herself. lol
They spent about 2 hrs Trick or Treating and we practically had to pull them away because time was up but they were having way too much fun to leave. lol <3
Birthday FUN!
Well, it's definantly been a while and I am for sure slacking..
The Girls' had awesome B-days and I HAVE to share some pics from those...
Mallory Turned 4!
October 12th 2011..

lol she LOVE cheesin it up some days ;)
We made cupcakes for her actual birthday and was so excited about coloring them..

We even put sprinkles IN the batter!

Grandma and Grandpa Williams got her Hungry Hungry Hippos which she had been dying for.. and Daddy brought her home Rock Elmo.. lemme tell you, that little bugger may be cute but he doesnt have ANY volume control. lol
This is what she got on Maleah's Birthday..

A cuddley La La Loopsey Doll.. "Mittens" since she loves her other one, but "Coraline" is too hard to sleep with. lol
Maleah turned 1!
October 28th 2011...
This picture is ultra dark.. but it was 1am and i had just finished decorating so the kids would be surprised when they got up in the morning..

yes, i am crazy enough to blow up 60+ balloons by mouth, by myself in the middle of the night. :)

Maleah opening her present and Mallory waiting to steal it from her.. lol
She got.. a Counting Cookies Cookie Monster.. she LOVES Cookie Monster for some reason...
A big girl sippy cup, snacks and some footie jammies that she needed. :)
On Mallory's actual birthday my parents bought Maleah one of those little push button toys where you figure out if you need to push, pull or twist the button and a cute goofy bug pops up outta it's hole. :) She loves that thing too.

She's waiting so patiently while Daddy opens him up and check him out. :)

And the cake Mallory picked out for Maleah's birthday. lol Nothing like a Dora cake to top off an all HK party. :)
They also had another Bday party at a local park.. had a ton of people RSVP and of course, no one shows.. guess you really find out who your friends are.. too bad it was a KIDS party everyone flaked on.. not something like my 6th briday shower. *eyeroll*
But here's some pics from that day...

Maleah looking ABSOLUTLEY adorable in her Birthday outfit <3
She is so stinkin cute! This is definantly one that will be blown up and printed for my walls. :)

My mom and Mallory waiting around.. her tutu and leggings didn't last long.. she stripped them off and changed into shorts as soon as she spotted the playground. lol

Another shot of the Littlest Birthday Monkey...

Being a ham at home after the 'party'..

Jessi and Mallory in the car on the way to the party lol weirdos.
and last but not least...

My girls and myself at home. :)
The Girls' had awesome B-days and I HAVE to share some pics from those...
Mallory Turned 4!
October 12th 2011..
lol she LOVE cheesin it up some days ;)
We made cupcakes for her actual birthday and was so excited about coloring them..
We even put sprinkles IN the batter!
Grandma and Grandpa Williams got her Hungry Hungry Hippos which she had been dying for.. and Daddy brought her home Rock Elmo.. lemme tell you, that little bugger may be cute but he doesnt have ANY volume control. lol
This is what she got on Maleah's Birthday..
A cuddley La La Loopsey Doll.. "Mittens" since she loves her other one, but "Coraline" is too hard to sleep with. lol
Maleah turned 1!
October 28th 2011...
This picture is ultra dark.. but it was 1am and i had just finished decorating so the kids would be surprised when they got up in the morning..
yes, i am crazy enough to blow up 60+ balloons by mouth, by myself in the middle of the night. :)
Maleah opening her present and Mallory waiting to steal it from her.. lol
She got.. a Counting Cookies Cookie Monster.. she LOVES Cookie Monster for some reason...
A big girl sippy cup, snacks and some footie jammies that she needed. :)
On Mallory's actual birthday my parents bought Maleah one of those little push button toys where you figure out if you need to push, pull or twist the button and a cute goofy bug pops up outta it's hole. :) She loves that thing too.
She's waiting so patiently while Daddy opens him up and check him out. :)
And the cake Mallory picked out for Maleah's birthday. lol Nothing like a Dora cake to top off an all HK party. :)
They also had another Bday party at a local park.. had a ton of people RSVP and of course, no one shows.. guess you really find out who your friends are.. too bad it was a KIDS party everyone flaked on.. not something like my 6th briday shower. *eyeroll*
But here's some pics from that day...
Maleah looking ABSOLUTLEY adorable in her Birthday outfit <3
She is so stinkin cute! This is definantly one that will be blown up and printed for my walls. :)
My mom and Mallory waiting around.. her tutu and leggings didn't last long.. she stripped them off and changed into shorts as soon as she spotted the playground. lol
Another shot of the Littlest Birthday Monkey...
Being a ham at home after the 'party'..
Jessi and Mallory in the car on the way to the party lol weirdos.
and last but not least...
My girls and myself at home. :)
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