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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Red wine kinda night...

It's a redwine kinda night.   I bet most people my age are out drinking green beer at the bar, acting stupid and getting wasted.   Me, I'm at home with my beautiful little girls and amazing fiance sipping on red wine.

Like I said on FB a little while ago:

Cinnamon & sugar chips + red wine + two sleeping children = a house full of win.  :)    not to mention Jeremy is sound asleep so i practically have the night to myself.

I pulled out my scrapbooks today, excited to see them again I had to of course look through all of them and was sad when I realized the last time I worked on them was Spring 2009..   I feel like a horrible mom because I havent printed pictures in that long and SOOOOO much has changed since then!     I am horrible at keeping up with printing off pictures and am so busy now with both the girls and Jeremy working fulltime hours again. 

Thats my new goal though, start printing off pics ive got saved to my computer from the last few years and work my way up to current time..  then go drop a hefty chunk of change of scrapbook supplies and stickers at Michael's.  lol  I just really wish stickers werent like, $5 a freakin sheet!

Today was a pretty good day..   Mallory didnt start being a little turd til like, 6pm maybe?    Got up early, we all had breakfast and cleaned the house and did a ton of laundry..  plus changed the sheet on my bed.    Then spent a few hours playing outside once it cooled down. 

And here are our events from today...

Maleah got to play with a biter biscuit and really had no interest in it..   and she got to have some rice this morning and banana.    she enjoyed the banana but was getting way too tired and ready for her morning nap.  <3    Shes so cute!

I cant believe how fast both my girls are growing up.  :(

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