I can not even begin to express how freakin excited I am for the girls' party this year.. and lastnight I did some work on their birthday graphics..
OMG it took me forever to cutout the Kai-Lan decal. and I started decorating the background and got eerily reminded of the Chinese flag. lol and I'm not sure about the date or place yet, so dont bother trying to stalk it.
The front and back of Mal's shirt i designed on zazzle although the graphic was all edited by me. :)
And of course Maleah's shirt. Im going to be putting matching tutus and bows on the girls... over filled orange, yellow and red tutus with big red satin bows.
We're doing Panda Express for everyone and fortune cookies. Probably get a 1/4 sheet cake with a Kai-Lan theme and I want to make a fortune cookie shaped smash cake for maleah and fondant cupcakes with flowers on them to go along with the Kai-Lan theme.
Dragon pinata, chinese take out boxes in yellow instead of favor bags.. fortune cookie balloon holders with of course red yellow and orange helium balloons.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Photos from the 19th.
Its been a while since i've wrote anything.. forgive me, i've been busy.
I've been trying to keep up with the girls and have happened to take some pics in the last week that I want to share.
I just wanted to post a few pics of my girls and what they've been up to....
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Red wine kinda night...
It's a redwine kinda night. I bet most people my age are out drinking green beer at the bar, acting stupid and getting wasted. Me, I'm at home with my beautiful little girls and amazing fiance sipping on red wine.
Like I said on FB a little while ago:
Cinnamon & sugar chips + red wine + two sleeping children = a house full of win. :) not to mention Jeremy is sound asleep so i practically have the night to myself.
I pulled out my scrapbooks today, excited to see them again I had to of course look through all of them and was sad when I realized the last time I worked on them was Spring 2009.. I feel like a horrible mom because I havent printed pictures in that long and SOOOOO much has changed since then! I am horrible at keeping up with printing off pictures and am so busy now with both the girls and Jeremy working fulltime hours again.
Thats my new goal though, start printing off pics ive got saved to my computer from the last few years and work my way up to current time.. then go drop a hefty chunk of change of scrapbook supplies and stickers at Michael's. lol I just really wish stickers werent like, $5 a freakin sheet!
Today was a pretty good day.. Mallory didnt start being a little turd til like, 6pm maybe? Got up early, we all had breakfast and cleaned the house and did a ton of laundry.. plus changed the sheet on my bed. Then spent a few hours playing outside once it cooled down.
And here are our events from today...
Maleah got to play with a biter biscuit and really had no interest in it.. and she got to have some rice this morning and banana. she enjoyed the banana but was getting way too tired and ready for her morning nap. <3 Shes so cute!
I cant believe how fast both my girls are growing up. :(
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
I want this back..
i miss being thin.. the smallest i ever was, was a size 5 and that was my freshman yr in HS..
I used to ride 7 days a week.. and do all sorts of stuff.. i loved my life.
when i was a sophmore, we moved from Ohio where i grew up to AZ..
then this happened..
I got thrown from a friend's horse.. I was riding english and we were rounding home on barrels and he started to buck, i got his head up and undercontrol.. and figured he had gotten it out of his system.. I ran the barrels again and that time, he bucked.. again. not crop hopping.. full on bucking and while i was pulling and pulling to get his head up, the reins broke and i lost my leverage abd balance.
next thing i knew, i was on the ground.. a puddle of blood around my face. I so vividly remember my adrenaline pumping and been thrown pleanty of times in the 16 yrs i has been riding horses, i was taught to just get up shake it off and get back on. I tried to get up and heard my friends screaming at me to stay down.. and after i tried getting back up again, they were putting weight on me, to keep me on the ground and to keep me still.. then i guess i blacked out.
I woke up in the ambulance, blacked back out after answering a question or two and then woke up in the hallway of the hospital.. feeling rocks imbedded in my face and mouth.. blood in my mouth. ugh. its like it happened yesterday.
I broke my nose, split the corners of my lips, did some damage to the inside of my mouth.. fractured and compressed a few vertebrea (sp).. not to metnion all the tears on my face.. now i have issues especially with the weight i put on, and my boobs getting bigger.. *sigh* i have major back issues..
I used to LOVE riding.. and now, I'm not afriad, im just much more cautious. Especially with the girls.. i think "if that happened to me before, it could again.. and who will be there for them?!" ugh.
I just want to go back to being healthy and not fat again. Im 5'7 260lbs. I hat emy body but have no motivation and willpower to change myself. I have a double stroller, i just bought it to start exercising.. I NEED to get off my ass and start doing something to save myself.
It's 100+ out by 10am during the summer and cools to 90 at night.. the weather is perfect in the mornings now to go for a walk with the girls, but fuck.. i can barely get time in duringt he day to shower by myself. or to take a shit without someone watching me. ahh the joys of motherhood.
i guess this is just me rambling and putting it out there.. thinking maybe if i admit to everyone else im a fatass, i'll do something to change but.. but for anyone who's seen pics of me and me IRL, they already know. yet, i havent done anything about it.
I start on the diet bandwagon, and within a day or two.. i slip up. gahhhh never ending vicious cycle.
ive got these two little monsters to change for. <3
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
I can't believe it.
I can not believe how grown up Mallory is getting.. she's a beast of a 3yr old (i mean that in a good way) seeing how she's 3.5yrs old, 3'6" and 52lbs.

I almost feel quilty though because I dont remember much of our every day happenings from when she was a infant, I dont know if its because it was 3+ years ago or because we have so many new memories that are replacing the older ones? either way, i feel a little guilty.
And let me tell you.. whoever said terrible 2's were awful never had a 3yr old!
This seems like ages ago.. 34 weeks with Mallory. The next day I was sent to the hospital and put on bedrest with her because of my BP and my GD.
My newborn little monkey <3
Daddy and his mini-me.
About 4 months here.. its weird how much alike and yet different she looks compared to Maleah..
4 months old
My little princess crawling, 6 months old
In her pool, 6 months old.
7 months old
8mo.. newly pierced ears. :)
a yr old & 13 months old
14 months old <3
Summer 2009
and thats my beutiful, not-so-little-anymore girl.
I cant believe it...
and one mroe just because i LOVE it. July 2009, our Phx Vacation :)
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