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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Netflix is the Devil.

lol.   I've been wanting to get on and write something new for daysssss  but Jeremy was every so awesome and signed up for Netflix, so any down time has been spent watching all kinds of movies with the kids..   from Easy A to Gamer to Rainbow Brite.   Fun times I tell yah!

Now I was super motivated to get on here and spill my guts about my wedding ideas and all the plans I have but after spending some time.  (like 2 hours) on BabyGaga and putting Maleah back to sleep after waking up for a snack..   I have almost no desire to do so.  :/   LAMEEEEE.

Things are starting to change aorund here..   I'm getting my butt in gear and have been going for 2-4 mile walks in the last few days here and have been trying to eat healthier although today while running errands, we stopped at Eegee's and my fatass scarfed 9" of original grinder deliciousness and a serving of chili cheese fries.  oink oink.     this can be a cheat day right?   Although I dont think I've been doing this long enough to have an actual cheat day.  lol.   Oh man, it was yummy and worth it..  maybe two walks tomorrow to make up for it?  That works, right?

Maleah has been getting soooooo big so fast.  Shes been sitting independantly and has been rolling from back to tummy for like 2 weeks now..   Shes still  not too interested in 'real' food and likes to sample things but prefers to stick to her formula for now.     We actually had to go out and buy a new bassinet today to replace the one she had which seems like such a waste since she wont be in it for much longer..   but thats the only place she has to sleep when Jeremy is off..  otherwise she's in bed with me from 4:30am til we get up for today.   Chunkers Mallory has leaned on the bassinet (the old one) a few times and letrs just say its not made to support a 53lb 3 year old.   The metal stretched out and we just didnt feel safe keeping her in it when it so easily comes apart now.  So, shes got a brand spankin new bed.

Jeremy's new job is going awesome..   Its still hard to have him out of the house so much now that he's working normal full time hours, but ive learned how to get things done and the girls and myself are getting used to it.    We're finally catching up on bills and I'm putting away money here and there for a slowly building savings for a deposit on a new place and a few months rent and then of course we'd like to get a bigger vehicle  *coughireallyreallywantaminivancough*  by Christmas time this year.      It's insane to try and go shopping and take the double stroller i got a few months ago and actually buy anything since the backseat of our 4dr sedan (Malibu) is full from just two carseats and the stroller practically takes up the whole trunk space.   

Mallory..  heh what can I say about Mal?   She's 3 1/2 goin on 16  (insert eye roll here) but she's also my little love bug.   Snobby at times and refuses to cooperate 89% of the time shes a great big sister and Mommy's big helper.   She loves mopping the kitchen floor and helping me do the laundry..   and everytime I have to go outside to check animal water, she right there beside me racing me out to the spicket to turn on the hose.     aaaaannnnnnddddddd she finally learned how to drive her stinkin power wheels she's had for over a year now.   lmao  I know she's secretly known how, but just refuses to do it since she can sit back and enjoy the ride while Jeremy drives her pretty pink corvette around.   <3

and a few pics of my littlest monster.. and the bigger one too of course.  :)

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